As a result of the Templeton Campus Center remodel, the second floor of Templeton, which housed the mailroom, Dubach Mac and PC computer labs, meeting rooms and a number of offices and student organizations, is closed to the public for construction.
The process of relocating organizations in Templeton began in Spring 2021. Facilities and Student Engagement began by inventorying available spaces across campus that would be able to accommodate student organizations.
“The analysis of available space on campus revealed that we did not have enough space on campus for all impacted departments and student organizations to receive an equivalent space to what they had in Templeton,” Assistant Dean of Student Engagement and Executive Director of Career Center Rocky Campbell said via email. “As a result, it was determined that some departments and organizations would need to function in a virtual or hybrid setup during the remodel.”
Campbell then met with every student organization impacted by the Templeton remodel in order to determine the organizations’ needs for the semester regarding a physical office space.
“Based on the available space on campus, we knew that most student organizations with spaces in Templeton would need to operate in a virtual or hybrid setup, so we attempted to address these needs by offering both long-term storage for items that would not be needed until Templeton was available again and short-term storage for items that student organizations would need in the spring semester,” Campbell said.
Additionally, Student Engagement worked with the Dean’s Office in order to arrange schedules for evening classes that would leave classrooms available in J. R. Howard Hall for organizations that are operating remotely to host in-person meetings.
For the duration of construction during Spring 2022, the following offices and organizations have been relocated. Their new locations can be found below.
Office of Student Engagement is now located in Akin Hall, Room 132.The Office of Equity and Inclusion is now located in McAfee, rooms 116-118.
Office of Sustainability is operating remotely.
The Associated Student Body (ASB) is operating remotely. The Undergraduate Registrar is operating remotely.
Mail Services is now located in the lower level of McAfee, and can be found by following the paw prints painted on the ground beginning in front of the stairs leading to Maggie’s.
Bon Appétit Office is now located in Stamm Dining Room.
College Outdoors is now located in Sequoia on the Graduate campus. Information about signing up for trips can be found in the Vice President for Student Life Office in East Hall.
Black Student Union is operating remotely.
Feminist Student Union is now located in the Agnes Flanagan Chapel, room 111.
Queer Student Union is operating remotely and hosting meetings in person.
Asian Student Union is operating remotely and hosting meetings in J. R. Howard, room 115.
Gente Latina Unida is operating remotely.
International Students of Lewis & Clark is operating remotely.
KPH Radio is now located in Facilities, Room 104.
The Pioneer Log is now located in Odell Hall, Room 008.
Student affinity groups, including Black Student Union, Gente Latina Unida, Hawaii Club, Adoptee Club and Mixed LC are working with the Office of Inclusion and Multicultural Engagement in order to coordinate spaces for in-person meetings. According to Director of IME Joanne Zhang, IME did not have any say in the relocation process, but she is working to advocate for the needs of these groups.
According to “Top Ten Templeton Construction Tips” on the LC website, the following offices, organizations and spaces remain accessible in the upper or lower levels of Templeton:
Bookstore, Campus Living, Career Center, Fields Dining Hall, Center for Social Change and Community Involvement, Counseling Services, Office of Financial Aid, Health Services, The Center for Inclusion and Multicultural Engagement, International Students & Scholars, New Student Orientation, Student & Departmental Account Services, and Student Rights & Responsibilities.
The following spaces are now closed and not accessible to students during the remodel: Monteith Meeting Room, Trail Room, Stamm Dining Room, Thayer Conference Room, Dubach Mac and PC Labs, Gray Meeting Room, and Council Chamber.
Construction on the Templeton Campus Center is expected to be complete by the start of the Fall 2022 semester.
The full extent of the construction on existing and prospective students and student life will be monitored and reported on by the Pioneer Log as the remodel continues to be underway.
Additional Reporting by Ihsaan Mohamed
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