What you can still do in Portland right now

Photo by Jo Tabacek

Hopefully, everyone is nurturing in their introverted side during this time. But isolation, even if it is the responsible choice, can be challenging. Below is a list created by the editors of The Pioneer Log with suggestions on what you can do to stay entertained, sane and safe. Take a hike. Hiking can be a wonderful solitary activity, and moreover, if you go from your car, to the park, wash your hands before and after, it is a mostly safe option. Maybe spend less time caressing tree trunks, just in case someone with coronavirus did the same, and minimize your contact with any strangers you might encounter along the way. It was about time the suave head-nod made a comeback anyway. In a similar vein, Portland has a lot of wonderful viewpoints that are perfect for sitting with a quiet activity and contemplating the current state of our democracy. Pick up a new hobby. Learn how to embroider, sew, paint, make jewelry, pick up a new instrument or to Gregorian throat singing. You have the time and there is a YouTube tutorial for absolutely everything nowadays. Teach yourself new skills. Freecodecamp.org is a great way to learn how to code. There are so many free classes you can take on the websites edX and Coursera. You
can learn how to edit videos, make a podcast, become a graphic designer,
all on YouTube. Many tech companies are offering discounts or extended free trials that can help you learn how to use various software like Trailhead for Salesforce. Watching TED Talks, documentaries and reading books is another great way to expand your knowledge. Clean your home. You have been putting off doing laundry all semester and there are socks strewn all over your floor — we have all been there. Doing small, easy tasks like cleaning can help you feel like you are in control of something, with the added bonus of making your newly restrictive living quarters more enjoyable to inhabit for extensive periods of time. Dedicate time and effort to your relationships. Maybe you are living with roommates who you could get to know better. Maybe you have a partner or significant other who you have not been prioritizing lately. Maybe you are back in your childhood home and feeling the tension. Whether in person or over the phone, now is
the perfect time to invest your time in others — ask people to tell you about
their favorite memory, their favorite vacation or the best party they have
ever been to. Invest in your mental health. Practice meditation, read a book, listen to some music. It is easy to become overwhelmed in the neverending cycle of horrible news, online classes and bickering with your roommates, so you should take a break and do something for yourself. You deserve it. Update your resumé. We all know it takes way longer than we want it to, and the Career Center is still available to help remotely. Plus, with that huge recession we all know is coming, now is truly the time to think about your future career endeavors (and how to get the next paycheck). Don’t forget that you are still a student. As much as it feels like we are done for the year, or like online classes are not as hard as in-person ones (the jury is still out), remember that ultimately, you came to Lewis & Clark to learn. Perhaps this extra time is exactly what you need to actually finish all your reading for once, or to put that extra effort into your final project. LC is still there to teach you—try to continue to be there to learn.

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