The best places at LC for peak productivity

Franchesca Spann '20 (left) and Isabel Forbes '20 (right) study at the tables by the Writing Center in Watzek Library. Photo by Jo Tabacek

We all have that one place we  study on campus. For many, the library or their dorm rooms are enough. However, there are many other alternatives one can take depending on their preferences. Noise levels are an important consideration for students, as some need really quiet spaces to be able to study and others feel more motivated around others. 

“I generally study in my room which might be bad sometimes because I feel sleepy” Fernando Torres ’21 said. “Sometimes I also go to the library, but sometimes I avoid it because it is too packed and stressful. It is just not the environment I want to be (in).” 

Torres associates the library with stress. However, for others, the library is where they can focus, isolate themselves from the rest of the world and get work done. Thus, the library, being a different space from one’s own room, where they may socialize or watch movies, creates opportunities for students to condition themselves in a certain way that makes it easier for them to be academically efficient. There are also other spatial learning methods students use on campus.

“I heard that some people go and study in the class where they have the subject so that they can connect the material to the class better,” Amália Bošelová ’23 said. 

For others, silence is far more important. 

“The library closes sometimes on weekends so that meant that I could not study anywhere because I need silence,” Gabriel Rivera ‘19 said. “People usually are not in Templeton on weekends, so you can go … in front of the ISS (International Students and Scholars) office and there are tables so you can study there.” 

The need for silence really pushes students to discover new ways of studying. Rivera said he discovered many places on and around campus merely because he needed silence.  

“There is the Council Chambers, which is open all the time and nobody goes there,” Rivera said. “I have never in my four years seen someone there apart from very specific events.” 

Templeton has a large variety of places students can study in. 

“For some time I used to study in the Mac Lab because my laptop was broken, and (studying there) was okay,” Torres said. “I also tried to study in the rooms in Templeton and it was nice because it was only me in the room.” 

Other places to study include the tables outside of residence halls, the Frank Manor House, Maggie’s, the Dovecote, and other buildings on campus that students pass by and never enter. Go discover your own. You might think you know it all, but there is probably that one door that leads to somewhere you have never been on campus that would be the perfect study spot.

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