I Double Dog Dare You……

February 5, 2015 The Mossy Log 0

Chronicling Lewis & Clark Professors and their sidekicks By Julie OatField /// Staff Writer  Professors bringing their pets on campus is a recurring phenomenon, and visiting professors

Living Abroad: Strasbourg

February 5, 2015 The Mossy Log 1

By Kaiya Gordon /// Staff Writer   Every student living in the comfort of a single, primary language should go abroad and learn another language immersively. I’ve

Dear Queer: Transitions

February 5, 2015 The Mossy Log 0

An advice column about sexuality, gender, dating and overall queerness By Mollie Whuppie /// Staff Writer Dear Queer, “My friend recently told me that he’s trans. He seemed

Un-Carted Territory

February 5, 2015 The Mossy Log 0

“The Grilled Cheese Grill” / located on SW Alder By Allie McRaith /// Features Editor, Anya Hall /// Staff Writer, Russ Alton /// Staff Writer The food

The Science Scoop

February 5, 2015 The Mossy Log 0

By Will Owen /// Staff Writer Why doesn’t drinking water alleviate the burning sensation of chili peppers? The answer lies in the chemistry of spiciness. When you

Dear Queer: Letter

December 4, 2014 The Mossy Log 0

An advice column about sexuality, gender, dating and overall queerness By Mollie Whuppie /// Staff Writer I was inspired by a book my friend recently bought me, The

Dear Queer: Open Relationships

November 20, 2014 The Mossy Log 1

An advice column about sexuality, gender, dating and overall queerness By Mollie Whuppie /// Staff Writer My significant other is going abroad next semester and wants to have an open